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Gilpin GOP is a nonprofit organization that provides support and assistance to those in need.
There are many ways to get involved with Gilpin GOP, such as volunteering, making a
donation, or attending one of our events and monthly meetings. Please visit our website
for more information.
Gilpin GOP supports many events, including food drives, Christmas gift drive, and
highway cleanup We also participate in the Gilpin County Fair, parade, Christmas Art
Fair, etc. Please visit our website for more information.
Gilpin GOP Bylaws were last reviewed in 2023. However, amendments made in 2023
were not added to the 2022 Bylaws. There is a Bylaw committee reviewing to update
the bylaws to meet new State statutes and Secretary of State rules.
Existing Text
Section 1. Officers, Term and Qualifications:
A. Officers. The officers of the GCRC Committee shall be
a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary.
1. the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of this
GCRC Committee;
2. the elected or appointed GCRC Treasurer, Bonus
members, Republican Precinct
Committee persons, special committees;
Proposed Text
Section 1. Officers, Term and Qualifications:
A. Officers. The officers of the GCRC Committee shall
be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary and
1. the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary and
Treasurer of this GCRC Committee;
2. Republican Precinct
Committee persons, special committees;
Scroll to bottom of FAQs for the entire 2022 Bylaws
Introductory Note
The rules contained in this section are not part of the official Bylaws of the Colorado Republican Party. They are
designed to provide general rules for the conduct of regular and special meetings of the Colorado Republican Party. The
Colorado Republican State Central Committee, or any county or district Republican central committee, is free to adopt
rules to govern the conduct of meetings that replace any of the rules in this section, insofar as such rules are not in
conflict with the bylaws and other governing authorities of the Colorado Republican Party. Citations included below are
to the applicable provisions of the Bylaws of the Colorado State Republican Central Committee (CRC Bylaws). Standing
Rules for the Conduct of Meetings. The Colorado Republican Party is substituted with GCRC, Gilpin County Republican
Committee except as noted.
MEETING RULE 1. In accordance with Art. XVIII of the CRC Bylaws, the current of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised,
shall constitute the parliamentary authority for regular and special meetings of the (GCRC), (Republican Central
Committee and shall govern in all cases in which it is applicable and not inconsistent with the Colorado Republican State
Central Committee Bylaws, the laws of the State of Colorado, or these Rules. These Rules shall serve as the temporary
rules of any meeting of the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee until such time as permanent rules are adopted by a
two-thirds vote of members present and voting at such meeting.
MEETING RULE 2. The official Agenda shall constitute the Orders of the Day except that introductions of and speeches by
Republican Party officers, Republican elected officials, Republican allied organization representatives, or other persons
may be made at any time and for any length of time at the discretion of the Chairman except as otherwise provided for
in these Rules, and the Chairman may alter the Order of Business to facilitate the efficient conduct of the meeting.
MEETING RULE 3. The Chairman shall preside at all Meetings of the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee. The
Parliamentarian, Sergeant(s) at Arms, Timekeeper, Chairman Pro Tem, and such other officers as may be necessary to
facilitate the conduct of the meeting shall be appointed by the Chairman.
MEETING RULE 4. Unless otherwise specified in the bylaws of the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee, a quorum shall
consist of one-third (1/3) of the voting members, including proxies (if allowed), of the (GCRC) Republican Central
Committee. Once a quorum is established, the departure of members shall not be cause for adjournment, and the
meeting shall not be adjourned until all business is completed. (Art. VII, § E)
MEETING RULE 5. Only members may introduce business, and any member wishing to make a motion or address the
meeting, shall identify himself or herself by name and county represented or elected office held. No resolutions dealing
with matters of public policy or the Republican Party platform shall be in order, except that resolutions of
commendation and resolutions dealing with other matters shall be in order at the discretion of the Chair or if referred
by the Resolutions Committee or if resolutions have been submitted in writing to the Resolutions Committee at least
fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting, unless the Resolutions Committee provides otherwise. The consideration
of contests, controversies, or questions concerning the regularity of the Republican Party organization shall not be in
order unless the matter shall have first been heard and determined by the (GCRC) CRC Executive Committee and
subsequently appealed or referred to the Colorado Republican State Central Committee in accordance with Art. XV, § C
of the CRC Bylaws.
MEETING RULE 6. Non-voting Members (Art. IV, § B) shall have all of the privileges, rights and duties of voting members,
except that they may vote only when acting as proxies for voting members, or when they also are voting members of the
(GCRC) Republican Central Committee.
MEETING RULE 7. Except as otherwise provided for in these Rules, no person may speak more than two - minutes to
any question until all who wish to speak have spoken. Then another two minutes may be allowed by the Chair. Debate
on any issue or question shall be limited to a total of ten (10) minutes. Debate may only be extended at the discretion of
the Chair or upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at any meeting. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, any member of the Republican Party staff, Officer, chairman of any committee of the (GCRC) Republican
Central Committee or the principal sponsor of any resolution or proposed amendment may be recognized for any length
of time at the discretion of the Chair. All lengthy motions or resolutions, as determined by the Chair, shall be submitted
in writing.
Campaign Literature / Banners / Signs / Materials
MEETING RULE 8. No candidate banners, signs, or other materials may be hung, taped, attached to, or displayed on the
walls of the room in which the business of the meeting is conducted, or posted on the premises or in the facility where
the meeting is held, except as may be designated or permitted by the Chairman and/or Republican Party staff.
MEETING RULE 9. In the discretion of the Chairman appropriate literature may be placed in packages prepared ahead of
time by the staff to be distributed with registration. Literature may be distributed in person, but may not be taped or
affixed to or placed on chairs in the room in which the business of the meeting is conducted. In the portion of the
premises designated by the Chairman, literature distributed must (1) clearly identify the individual or registered political
committee who paid for it, and (2) be focused on supporting a Republican candidate, a generally accepted Republican
issue or on matters properly to be addressed by the particular meeting. In the portion of the premises designated by the
Chairman, the circulation of candidate or initiative petitions shall be prohibited. Vendors who purchase “tables” may
distribute their literature at their designated space. The Chairman shall have discretion to approve specific exceptions to
the forgoing restrictions and to prohibit literature that is in his discretion grossly deceptive or misleading.
Proxies - are not allowed at the County Caucus or County Assembly per GCRC Bylaws
MEETING RULE 10. For meetings where proxies are permitted by the bylaws of the (GCRC) Republican Central
Committee, any voting member wishing to vote by proxy shall designate his or her proxy in a writing which shall be
dated and signed. A proxy need not be an original written document to be recognized; a Photocopy, printed copy of an
electronic transmittal of a proxy (e.g., a fax or pdf file), or digitally presented copy is acceptable so long as the writing
shows the names of the parties involved and the signatures of the grantor and the witness. The individual designated as
a proxy shall be a Republican elector, shall reside in the constituency or county which his or her principal resides, and
may vote only if the principal is absent at the time of the vote. For example, a county chairman may be designated as a
proxy for his or her county and for any senator or representative in whose district the chairman resides, but not for
other senators or representatives from his or her county in whose district he or she does not reside.
MEETING RULE 11. The proxy shall apply only to a single meeting of the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee. The
proxy shall also apply to any district meetings being held in connection with the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee
meeting, except as may be otherwise indicated on the proxy or as may be restricted by the Bylaws or Rules of the other
district. (Art. VIII, § D1.)
MEETING RULE 12. A proxy of an absent member must be submitted by the proxy holder in person to the Credentials
Committee 30 minutes after the meeting is called to order. The Central Committee can extend the proxy deadline under
special circumstances by a simple majority vote. Proxies must be submitted in accordance with Meeting Rule 10.
Digitally presented proxy forms must be verified and recorded by a Credentials Committee Member on a Digital Proxy
Record to be created by the Credentials Committee. All physical proxies and record of digital proxies shall be retained in
accordance with Bylaws. (Art. VIII, § D3.) A proxy of a member present who subsequently leaves the meeting may be
submitted to the Credentials Committee at any time during the meeting, but the proxy may be voted on a particular
ballot only if the proxy is submitted before voting commences on that ballot. (Art. VIII, §D4.)
MEETING RULE 13. . Any member of the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee shall have the right to examine the
proxies prior to any particular vote. (Art. VIII, § D5.) - 25 - 15983041.5
MEETING RULE 14. The Credentials Committee Report shall be substituted for any Roll Call, with the exception of a Roll
Call Vote. The Credentials Committee Report may be updated as directed by the Chair or amended by motion.
Elected Official, Allied Organization Representative Speeches
MEETING RULE 15. Current Republican statewide elected officials and members of Congress shall each be allotted a total
of five (5) minutes to speak, representatives from Republican allied organizations may each be allotted a total of five (5)
minutes to speak, and candidates or an authorized candidate representatives for any statewide or congressional district
elective office may each allotted a total of three (3) minutes to speak, except as may be otherwise directed by the Chair.
At the discretion of the Chair a representative member of each chamber of the Legislature may speak for not more than
five (5) minutes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any person may be recognized at any time and for any length of time at
the discretion of the Chair for the purpose of officer and committee reports and/or to facilitate the efficient conduct of
the meeting.
Nomination of Officers / Officer Candidate Speeches
MEETING RULE 16. C.R.S. Title 1. Elections § 1-4-601. Designation of candidates for primary election: A person seeking
designation by a county assembly must provide notice to the county chair before the meeting. Candidates for Chairman,
Vice‐Chairman and Secretary shall be nominated from the floor, and nominators shall be recognized by the Chair.
Nominations for any office shall be made only by members of the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee in person or by
a person acting as a proxy on behalf of a voting member; however, other persons, including nonmembers, may second
any nomination. (Art. VI, § A.) Each candidate who has accepted their nomination for Chairman, Vice-Chairman and
Secretary shall be entitled to an allotted time of ten (10) minutes for a presentation consisting of their nominating and
seconding speeches, candidate speech, and demonstrations. The order of candidate presentations shall be
predetermined by lot after the close of nominations. Any candidates nominated after the initial order has been set shall
give his presentation immediately after his nomination.
Balloting / Voting
MEETING RULE 17. Unless otherwise specified in applicable provisions of Colorado law, the bylaws of the GCRC and
Republican Central Committee, the applicable parliamentary authority, or these Rules, a majority of members present
and voting shall be required to decide any question. Except in the election of Officers (Art. VI, § B1), voting shall be by
voice vote, standing, hand vote or electronic ballot (at the discretion of the Chair). Voting results shall indicate if vote
totals include fractional voting. No breakdown of fractional votes is required in the reporting of voting results. In the
alternative, voting may be by secret ballot at the discretion of the Chair, or if a motion to vote by ballot is adopted by a
majority of the members. The Teller Committee shall accept ballots until the Chair declares the polls are closed for
balloting for any particular Office. The roll of the counties shall be called in alphabetical order, with each voting member
voting with his or her county of residence or constituency, except that in the election of officers the integrity of the
secret ballot will be preserved.
MEETING RULE 18. A person holding multiple voting positions as a member of the (GCRC) Republican Central Committee
shall not be entitled to more than one vote, excluding proxies. Counties with more than one vicechairman must
determine which one is the voting member of the Republican Central Committee, and must inform the Chairman at least
five (5) days in advance of the meeting, or the vote will be split proportionally among the several vice-chairmen. (Art.
VIII, §§ B-C.)
MEETING RULE 19. Ballots for the election of Officers may shall be distributed at registration by the members of the
Credentials Committee and/or members of the Teller Committee to voting members and persons validly designated as
proxies for absent members. Lost ballots shall not be replaced; however, a spoiled ballot may be replaced by
surrendering the spoiled ballot to the Teller Committee Chairman prior to the announcement that the polls are closed
for balloting for that office.
MEETING RULE 20. Officers shall be elected by the majority vote of eligible members present and voting using a secret
ballot as directed by the Chair. Notwithstanding the foregoing, when there is only one nominee for any office, and after
nominations have been properly closed, the Chair may entertain a motion to dispense with balloting and elect the
person nominated by voice vote. If more than two persons are nominated for an office, and after three ballots no
nominee has received the required majority vote, then (unless one or more nominees have withdrawn during or
following such balloting) the nominee receiving the least votes on the last of the three ballots shall be ineligible on all
subsequent ballots. The nominee receiving the least votes on each ballot thereafter shall also be ineligible on
subsequent ballots, unless one or more other nominees withdraw following such ballot. Balloting shall continue in this
manner until a majority vote is cast for one nominee. (Art. VI, The Chair may declare a recess for the purpose of counting
ballots. Each Officer candidate may designate one (1) observer to observe the counting of ballots.
MEETING RULE 21. A member who casts a ballot with a legal vote for a candidate for office shall be counted as “present
and voting” for that office. A ballot with only illegal votes or only blank votes or marked “abstain” will not be counted
and the member who casts such ballot shall not be deemed to be “present and voting” for that office. A “legal” vote
shall be one cast for a candidate eligible on that ballot or cast for or against the issue being voted upon. The teller
committee shall report the number of ballots marked “abstain.” No ballots will be duplicated, and no recount by hand
will be authorized if electronic voting equipment is utilized in the scanning and/or tabulation of ballots.
MEETING RULE 22. Cumulative voting in any election in which more than one person is to be elected or nominated shall
not be permitted. Unit rule shall not be permitted or adhered to.
MEETING RULE 23. Officers elected shall assume their Offices immediately upon the adjournment of the Organizational
Meeting of the Republican Central Committee.
MEETING RULE 24. Those eligible to run for National Delegate must submit their intent to run via electronic form as
determined by the technology committee. All forms must be completed not later than midnight on the 30th day prior to
the Assembly. No late forms will be permitted. Slates will be allowed per CRC by-laws, and must be identified on
electronic form submission. Slates must self- identify 60 days prior to the Assembly to allow any programming necessary
to facilitate electronic voting. The information submitted on the intent to run submission will be made available to the
voting membership. At the discretion of the Chair, such submissions may take the place of speeches on the day of the
MEETING RULE 25. Precinct Committee Persons elected at the caucus are elevated to delegate for the County Assembly.
MEETING RULE 26. County Party Elected Official and County Party officers are Delegates-at-Large for the County
Gilpin GOP Bylaws were last reviewed in 2023. However, amendments made in 2023
were not added to the 2022 Bylaws. There is a Bylaw committee reviewing to update
the bylaws to meet new State statutes and Secretary of State rules.
Bylaws of the Gilpin County Republican Central Committee
A County Political Party Committee (revised March 31, 2022)
Section 1. Name:
The name of this organization shall be the “Gilpin County Republican Central Committee”,
hereinafter referred to as the “GCRC Committee”
Section 2. Organizational Structure:
The GCRC Committee is organized as an unincorporated nonprofit
association, political organization, and local political party committee within the meaning
of and pursuant to applicable Federal and State laws, and the rules and bylaws of the
Colorado Republican State Central Committee.
Section 3. Primary Purpose:
The principal purpose of the GCRC Committee is to perform the functions of
a county party central committee as set forth in the election laws of the State of Colorado
and the rules and bylaws of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee; to elect duly
nominated or designated Republican candidates to office; and to have such purposes and
objectives not otherwise prohibited by the laws of the United States, the State of Colorado,
and the bylaws and rules of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee.
The County in the State of Colorado to which this GCRC Committee
corresponds is Gilpin County (the “County”).
Section 4. Pre-Primary Neutrality
No candidate for any designation or nomination for any Elective Office of this County, or
any Elective Office of this State, or any Elective Office of any District comprised in whole or
part of this County, shall be endorsed, supported or opposed by the GCRC Committee,
acting as an entity, or by its officers or committees, before the Primary Election,
unless such candidate is unopposed in the Primary Election.
Section 1. Membership:
A. The membership of the GCRC Committee shall consist of the following
registered Republican electors and officials who reside within the territory included in the
limits of the County. Any registered Republican who has publicly supported the opponent
of a Republican nominee for local, statewide, or national office during the current or
previous General Election is ineligible to hold any GCRC office for a period of two
1. the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of this GCRC Committee;
2. the elected or appointed GCRC Treasurer, Bonus members, Republican Precinct
Committee persons, special committees;
3. the Republican County public officials, including: County Commissioner, County
Clerk and Recorder, County Treasurer, County Assessor, County Sheriff, County
Surveyor, and County Coroner;
4. the State Senators and State Representatives;
5. the United States Senators and United States Representatives;
6. the Republican State public officials, including: Governor, Lieutenant Governor,
Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Attorney General, members of the State
Board of Education, and Regents of the University of Colorado;
7. the District Attorney; and
8. such other registered Republican electors who reside within the territory
included in the limits of the County as may be required by the laws of the State of
Colorado or the bylaws or rules of the Colorado Republican State Central
B. Only registered Republican electors who reside within the territory included in the limits
of the County shall be eligible to be voting members of the GCRC Committee,
and each member holding multiple offices shall be entitled to only one vote on any
Section 2. Vacancies in Membership:
A vacancy in membership shall exist in the event of a member’s ineligibility, death,
resignation, removal or inability to serve. Any vacancy in the officers of this GCRC
Committee or Precinct Committeeperson shall be filled in accordance with these Bylaws.
Any vacancy in any elected or appointed Elected Office shall be filled in the manner
provided by the bylaws of the district central committee of the district corresponding to
such Elective Office.
Section 1. Officers, Term and Qualifications:
A. Officers. The officers of the GCRC Committee shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman
and Secretary.
B. Officer Qualifications. The officers shall each be registered Republican electors who
reside within the territory included in the limits of the County. Persons elected to such
officer positions must qualify as members of the GCRC Committee.
C. Officer Voting Membership. The officers of the GCRC Committee shall be voting members
of the GCRC Committee during their term of office.
D. Term of Office. The officers of the GCRC Committee shall assume their duties at the
conclusion of the biennial Organizational Meeting, or at the conclusion of a meeting that
may be called to fill a vacancy, and shall hold office until their successors are elected or
appointed and qualified to serve.
Section 2. Duties of Officers:
A. Chairman: The Chairman shall perform such duties and have powers as are incident to
the offices of Chairman. In addition, the Chairman shall:
1. Preside at all meetings of the GCRC Committee and any of its committees, and shall
serve as Chair of the County Assembly and as the Chair of each Vacancy Committee.
2. Serve as an ex-officio voting member of all committees of the GCRC Committee.
3. Issue the Call and Notice of all meetings of the GCRC Committee and for all meetings
of any Vacancy Committee.
4. Perform such other duties as the GCRC Committee or Vacancy
Committee may assign or as may be required by law.
B. Vice-Chairman: The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman in the execution of his or
her duties. In addition, the Vice-Chairman shall:
1. Exercise the powers and assume the duties of the Chairman in the absence, or in
the inability to perform, of the Chairman, except that the Vice-Chairman shall not
have the power to make any appointments.
2. Perform such other duties as the GCRC Committee or the Chairman may assign.
C. Secretary: The Secretary shall perform such duties and have such powers as are incident
to the office of Secretary, including the duty and power to give written notice of all GCRC
Committee, County Assembly, Vacancy and Special Committee meetings, to attend all such
meetings and keep a written record of the proceedings, and to be custodian of the records
of the GCRCC Committee, County Assembly and any Vacancy Committee. The Secretary
shall also maintain a current list at all times of all members and officers of the GCRC
Committee. In addition, the Secretary shall:
1. Provide to the Chair, at least three days prior to the convening of a County
Assembly, a temporary roll of the delegates and alternates entitled to participate in
such County Assembly.
2. Serve as Secretary at all GCRC Committee meetings, at all Vacancy Committee
meetings, at all other committee meetings, and at the County Assembly.
3. Keep and be responsible for all funds, financial records, and reporting
requirements, if any, of the GCRC Committee and County Assembly. The Treasurer (as
appointed or elected) shall perform such duties as specified by the Secretary and have
powers as are incident to the offices of Treasurer. In addition, the Treasurer shall:
• Keep and be responsible of all funds of the GCRC;
• Keep an accurate account of all monies received and disbursed;
• Make a financial report at all regular meetings of the GCRC and as
requested by the Chair;
• Inform GCRC members of their dues requirement, set by the Execute
Committee, in a timely manner;
• Prepare and file all financial reports as required by federal, state and
local election regulations.
4. Prepare and verify all credentials for delegates and alternates, and serve as the
Chair of the Credentials Committee of the County Assembly.
5. File with the Colorado Secretary of State and with the Colorado Republican State
Central Committee a list of names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail
addresses of each GCRC Committee officer and member of each Vacancy Committee not
later than thirty (30) days after the Organizational Meeting, within thirty (30) days
after any change to the same, or as otherwise required by law.
6. Prepare and verify certificates showing designations made by the County
Assembly and selections made by any Vacancy Committee.
7. Perform such other duties as the GCRC Committee, any Vacancy
Committee or the Chairman may assign or may be required by law.
Section 3. Election of Officers:
A. Election of Officers: Officers of the GCRC Committee shall be elected at the biennial
Organizational Meeting.
B. Persons Who May Nominate Officers: Nominations for any officer of the GCRC Committee
may be made only by a member of the GCRC Committee who is present at the biennial
Organizational Meeting. No second to any nomination is required, however any person,
including nonmembers, may be recognized to second a nomination or indicate
C. Voting Procedure: The officers of the GCRC Committee shall be elected by a majority vote
of those members of the GCRC Committee present and voting. The election of GCRC
Committee officers shall be conducted by secret ballot or by raise of hands unless there is
only one nominee for the office, in which case the election may be by voice vote.
Section 4. Vacancies and Removal of GCRC Committee Officers
A. Vacancy Conditions: A vacancy in office shall exist in the event of an officer's ineligibility
to hold office, death, resignation, removal, permanent absence or permanent disability. The
GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee shall decide by majority vote of the members of the
GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee whether sufficient evidence exists of the ineligibility,
permanent absence, or permanent disability of any officer. A meeting of the GCRC
Committee Vacancy Committee shall be held at the call of the Chairman within thirty (30)
days of the effective date of any vacancy, and upon no fewer than ten (10) days written
notice. In the case of a vacancy in the office of Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall issue the
notice of the meeting of the GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee.
B. Removal: The GCRC Committee may remove any officer for good cause and
declare a vacancy by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members of the GCRC
Committee present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the District Central
Committee. The GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee shall convene immediately upon
adjournment of the meeting of the District Central Committee at which an officer is
removed to fill the vacancy in such officer position.
C. Declaration of Vacancy by State Chairman: If a vacancy is declared or deemed to exist in
an officer position for more than thirty (30) days and no meeting of the GCRC Committee
Vacancy Committee is pending pursuant to a call or notice to fill such vacancy, the
Chairman of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee may issue such a call or
notice of a meeting of the GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee to fill the vacancy in an
officer position, or may appoint an eligible person to fill the vacancy.
Section 5. Executive Committee:
A. Executive Committee Membership. The GCRC Committee Executive Committee
shall consist of the officers of the GCRC Committee, namely the Chairman, Vice-Chairman
and Secretary.
B. Executive Committee Powers. The Executive Committee may exercise any and all powers
of the GCRC Committee, except when the GCRC Committee is joined in meeting and except
for those powers which are specifically reserved to the GCRC Committee or to the County
Assembly by these Bylaws.
C. Executive Committee Meetings. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called on
five (5) days written notice by the Chairman or by one-third of the members of the
Executive Committee then in office, except that this notice provision may be waived by
two-thirds of the members of the Executive Committee. Proxies shall not be permitted in
voting on any matter by the Executive Committee. Voting by the Executive Committee shall
be by voice vote, except that any voting member of the Executive Committee shall have the
right to demand and have entered a roll call vote of the Executive Committee upon any
disputed question.
Section 1. Vacancy Committees Created and Empowered:
Vacancy Committees shall be and are hereby organized and empowered to fill vacancies in
GCRC Committee officers and Precinct Committee persons, in the designation and
nomination of Republican candidates County Elective Office, and in the office of any
Republican County Commissioner, in accordance with relevant provisions of Colorado law.
Section 2. GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee:
Any vacancy in the office of Chairman, Vice-Chairman or Secretary of this GCRC Committee
or Precinct Committeeperson, shall be filled by a GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee
consisting of the officers of the GCRC Committee. Notwithstanding the notice provisions in
Section 5 of this Article IV, two-thirds of the members of the GCRC Committee Vacancy
Committee may waive the requirement of advance written notice for any meeting of the
GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee to fill any vacancy in the office of any Precinct
Committee person.
Section 3. Vacancy in Designation or Nomination – County Assembly Vacancy Committee:
A. A vacancy caused by:
1. the failure to designate a candidate at the County Assembly; or
2. the declination, death, disqualification, resignation, or withdrawal of the person
previously designated by the County Assembly; or
3. the declination, death, disqualification, resignation, or withdrawal of the person
nominated at the Republican primary election; or
4. the declination, death, disqualification, or withdrawal of a candidate for elective
office after a primary election at which a nomination could have been made for the
office had the vacancy then existed; shall be filled by a County Assembly Vacancy
Committee consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the GCRC
Committee. No person is eligible for appointment to fill a vacancy in the party
designation or nomination unless the person would have met all the qualifications of
eligibility to be designated to the primary election ballot at the time of the County
Assembly. The County Assembly Vacancy Committee shall certify the results of its
selection to the Colorado Secretary of State and/or to the County Clerk and Recorder in
accordance with law.
Section 4. Vacancy in the Republican County Commissioner – County Commissioner
Vacancy Committee:
A. When a vacancy occurs in the office of a Republican County Commissioner elected at-
large, or elected by all voters in the County, caused by:
1. the death or resignation of a person who has been sworn into office; or
2. caused by the death or resignation of a person who has been elected to a seat but
who has not yet been sworn into office; or
3. a vacancy in a party nomination occurring less than eighteen days before the general
election that is caused by the declination, death, disqualification, or withdrawal of any
person nominated at the primary election; or
4. the declination, death, disqualification, or withdrawal of any elective officer after a
primary election at which a nomination could have been made for the office had the
vacancy then existed that cannot be filled before the general election; or
5. a person not taking the oath of office within the time period required by law; the
vacancy shall be filled by the County Commissioner Vacancy Committee, consisting of
the GCRC Committee officers; Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary; one Precinct
Committeeperson per Precinct; and Republican County Elected officials at the time the
vacancy occurs. The vacancy shall be filled until the next regularly scheduled general
election. The County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall certify the selection of a
person who meets the qualifications for Elective Office to the Colorado Secretary of
State within thirty days from the date the vacancy occurs; except that, in the case of a
vacancy filled pursuant to Section 1-4-1002 (2.5), C.R.S., the Elective Office Vacancy
Committee shall certify the selection within thirty days after the date of the general
election affected by the vacancy; or except as otherwise required by law.
For County Commissioner Districts which have adopted a five-commissioner board or
county home rule charter provision or ordinance that provides for the election of County
Commissioners by District:
When a vacancy occurs in the office of a Republican County Commissioner elected by
district, the vacancy shall be filled by the Elective Office Vacancy Committee of the
Republican County Commissioner District Central Committee in accordance with law.
Section 5. Notice of Vacancy Committee Meeting:
Notice of any meeting of any Vacancy Committee shall be distributed to each member of the
Vacancy Committee by first-class mail at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting, or in
accordance with the notice provisions required under Colorado law, whichever is shorter.
Such notice shall clearly state the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, two thirds of the members of the GCRC Committee Vacancy
Committee may waive this requirement of advance written notice for any meeting of the
GCRC Committee Vacancy Committee to fill any vacancy in the office of any Precinct
Section 6. Vacancy Committee Quorum:
The quorum of any Vacancy Committee shall be one half (1/2) of the members present in
person. No member of any Vacancy Committee may vote or otherwise participate in any
meeting or any selection or designation by proxy. If a quorum is not present at any Vacancy
Committee meeting, the Vacancy Committee shall adjourn the meeting to a future date,
time and place certain, within the period required under law to fill the vacancy, without
republishing notice of the new meeting.
Section 7. Method of Voting:
All elections of the Vacancy Committee shall be conducted by a secret ballot unless there is
only one nominee to fill a vacancy. The person to fill the vacancy shall be elected or
designated by a majority vote of those members present and voting. Balloting shall be
repeated until a majority vote is cast for one nominee, and no nominee shall be removed
from any subsequent ballot unless such nominee voluntarily withdraws.
Section 1. Organizational Meeting:
A. The biennial Organizational Meeting of the GCRC Committee shall be held between
February 1 and February 15 of each odd-numbered year, or within such time period as may
otherwise be required by law. The purpose of the Organization Meeting is to:
1. To Elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the GCRC Committee;
2. To Elect such Bonus Members as may be allowed to the GCRC Committee to the
Colorado Republican State Central Committee, to the Congressional District Central
Committee, and/or to the Judicial District Central Committee as provided for bylaw;
3. To select or ratify the selection of County Vacancy Committees in accordance with
these Bylaws;
4. To conduct such other business as may properly come before the GCRC Committee.
B. Meeting Notice: Notice of the Organizational Meeting of the GCRC Committee shall
be distributed in accordance with Section 4 of this Article no fewer than ten (10) days
before the date of the meeting. Notice of a GCRC Committee meeting shall clearly state the
time, date, and place of the meeting and, to the fullest extent possible, the business to be
conducted at the meeting.
C. If no meeting is held within the appropriate time frame for the biennial Organizational
Meeting, the State Chairman of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee may issue
such a call or notice, and the State Chairman may personally or by nominee preside at the
meeting so noticed if the GCRC Committee fails to provide a Chair.
Section 2. Special Meetings:
A. Special Meeting of the GCRC Committee may be called at any time by the Chairman
on his own initiative or upon the written request of at least twenty-five percent of the
members. If the Chairman fails to act on the request within ten (10) days, then any voting
member may issue the call at the Committee's expense. Special Meetings shall be held no
sooner than ten (10) days from the date the call is sent at the time, date, and place as
designated by the person calling the meeting.
B. Special Meeting Notice: Notice of the Special Meeting of the GCRC Committee shall be
distributed in accordance with Section 4 of this Article no fewer than ten (10) days before
the date of the meeting to the members of the GCRC Committee. Notice of the
Organizational Meeting shall clearly state the time, date, and place of the meeting, and the
business to be conducted at the meeting.
C. Waiver of Notice of Special Meetings: If two-thirds of the membership of the GCRC
Committee waive notice of the call of a special meeting of the GCRC Committee, a special
meeting of the Committee may be held without prior notice. Failure of the GCRC Committee
Chair to properly provide a call for the Special Meeting shall not invalidate the need and
purpose for the Special Meeting.
Section 3. Notice of all Meetings:
Unless otherwise specified herein, the members of any Regular or Special Meeting of the
GCRC Committee, Vacancy Committee, or other committee of the GCRC Committee shall be
notified by written notice delivered by United States mail, first class postage prepaid, or
electronically delivered by facsimile or by e-mail. All notices shall be directed to the GCRC
Committee member at her or his address(es) as it appears on the official Committee
records as maintained by the Secretary.
Section 4. Form and Venue of Meeting, Electronic and Conference Call:
Except for the biennial Organizational Meeting, any meetings where changes to these
Bylaws are considered, or any meeting of any Vacancy Committee, meetings of the GCRC
Committee may be held by telephone conference call, or by some other form of electronic
communication that permits all participants to hear one another.
Section 1. Method of Voting:
A. Voice or Rising Vote: With the exception of the elections or removal of officers of the
GCRC Committee, or the designation or nomination of any candidate for Elective Office, all
voting at meetings of the GCRC Committee, or at the County Assembly, shall be by voice
vote, by raise of hands, or by rising vote at the discretion of the Chairman, unless otherwise
provided by the affirmative majority vote of the members present and voting.
B. Cumulative Voting, Unit Rule: Cumulative voting (which permits an elector to give more
than one vote to a single candidate) or Unit Rule shall not be allowed or adhered to at any
meeting of the GCRC Committee, any Vacancy Committee, or at the County Assembly.
Section 2. Proxies:
A. Designation: Any voting member who wishes to vote by proxy at those meetings where
proxies are allowed shall designate her or his proxy in writing or on a written form which
shall be dated, witnessed and submitted to the Chairman prior to the start of the meeting,
except that no member may participate by proxy at any Vacancy Committee meeting. All
proxies shall apply to a single meeting. An individual designated to cast a proxy vote shall
be a qualified Republican elector within the constituency represented by the principal, and
a person designated to cast a proxy may vote only if the principal is absent from the
meeting at the time of the vote.
Section 3. Quorum Requirements:
Those members present and voting at the Organizational Meeting, or at any Regular or
Special Meeting of the GCRC Committee, shall constitute a quorum, so long as due notice
has been given or the meeting is held in accordance with these Bylaws and the bylaws and
rules of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee.
Section 1. Date and Location:
Precinct caucuses shall be held in even-numbered years at 7:00 p.m. on the date provided
for by law or the rules of the Republican National Committee at a private place in each
precinct or at a public place within the County in or proximate to each precinct as
determined by the officers of County Central Committee or County officers and posted as
required by law.
Section 2. Voting Members:
A. Voting members at each precinct caucus shall have been:
1. A resident of the precinct for thirty days; and
2. Registered to vote no later than thirty days before the precinct caucus and affiliated
with the Republican Party for at least two months as shown on the registration
books of the County Clerk and Recorder or on the records of the Colorado Secretary of
State; except that any registered Republican elector who has attained the age of
eighteen years within the two months immediately preceding such precinct caucus
or who has become a naturalized citizen within the two months immediately preceding
the precinct caucus; or
3. Such other registered Republican electors as may be present and otherwise entitled
to participate in the precinct caucus as may be required by law.
B. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted at any Republican precinct caucus.
Section 3. Procedure:
The eligible voting members at each precinct caucus present and voting shall:
A. Elect by plurality vote a precinct caucus chairman and secretary to serve as officers of
the precinct caucus.
B. Elect by plurality vote the delegates and alternate delegates to the county assembly and
for such other higher assemblies and/or conventions as determined by the GCRC
Committee or GCRC Committee officers. In the event of a tie for the last available delegate
or alternate delegate, the last available place shall be determined by lot. Cumulative voting
or unit rule shall not be allowed or adhered to in the election of delegates or alternate
C. Elect by plurality vote two Precinct Committeepeople.
1. The two people receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected as the Precinct
2. If two or more candidates for Precinct Committeeperson receive an equal and the
second highest number of votes, or if three or more candidates receive an equal and
the highest number of votes, the election shall be determined by lot by such candidates.
3. Each Precinct Committeeperson shall hold such position for a term of two years after
the date of his election, and each shall serve until his successor is duly elected or
4. The names of the Precinct Committeepeople, and delegates and alternate delegates
elected shall be certified to the County Assembly of the political party by the officers of
the precinct caucus.
D. For precinct caucuses occurring in the year in which a national convention is to be held
and a presidential candidate is to be nominated, or occurring in the year in which any
candidate for statewide office is to be nominated, a non-binding preference poll shall be
conducted for such offices and candidates as the Colorado Republican State Central
Committee Executive Committee may direct as part of the business of each precinct caucus
meeting, except that the Colorado Republican State Central Committee Executive
Committee may direct that no preference poll be conducted. The preference poll shall be
conducted, and results reported in a manner as shall be provided by the Chairman or the
Colorado Republican State Central Committee Executive Committee. Only eligible precinct
caucus participants may participate in any preference poll.
E. In no event, however, shall the results of any preference poll dictate or require the proportional
allocation or representation of delegates chosen for any County Assembly, higher assembly or
convention, or bind such delegates as may be chosen to vote for any particular candidate. The
participants at each precinct caucus, or at any caucus, assembly, or convention of any county or
district, alone shall determine if the results of any preference poll is to be a factor in the selection of
individual delegates or alternates to any higher assembly or convention, and no candidate for
delegate or alternate for any higher assembly or convention shall be compelled or required to
identify the candidate he or she is supporting, but may do so at his or her option.
Section 1. County Assembly
A. Date and Location: The County Assembly shall be held on a date no sooner than ten (10) days and
no later than thirty (30) days following the Precinct Caucuses and at a time and location
determined by the Chairman of the County Central Committee, or as otherwise provided for by law.
B. Call of the County Assembly: The call of the County Assembly shall include a statement of the
time, place and purpose of the County Assembly, and shall be distributed or made available at the
precinct caucuses or delivered by United States mail, first class postage prepaid, or electronically
delivered by facsimile or by e-mail, directed to the delegates and alternates selected at each
precinct caucus at her or his address(es) as provided by the officers of each precinct caucus.
Section 2. Qualifications of Delegates and Alternates
A. The delegates and alternates to the County Assembly shall be those delegates and alternates
selected at the precinct caucus that reside within the territory included in the limits of the County.
Section 3. Voting in the District Assembly
A. Proxies: No proxies shall be allowed or recognized in the County Assembly.
B. Vacancies: Any vacancy in a delegate place shall be filled only from among the alternates in
attendance at the District Assembly from the precinct for which there is a vacancy. Alternates shall
be seated as delegates in the order designated by their precinct caucuses. Alternates must yield to
delegates when they are present.
C. Designation: The County Assembly shall take no more than two ballots for each office to be
1. Every candidate receiving thirty (30%) percent or more of the votes of all duly accredited
County Assembly delegates, who are present and voting for that office, shall be certified by
affidavit of the presiding officer and secretary of the County Assembly.
2. If no candidate receives 30% or more of the votes of all duly accredited County Assembly
delegates, who are present and voting for that office, on the first ballot, a second ballot shall be
cast for all the candidates for that office. If, on the second ballot, no candidate receives 30% or
more of the votes cast, the County Assembly shall certify the two candidates receiving the
highest numbers of votes as candidates for the office. The certificate of designation shall
indicate the order of the vote received at the County Assembly by the candidates, but the
County Assembly shall not declare that one candidate has received the nomination of the
County Assembly. If two or more candidates receiving designation have received an equal
number of votes, the order of certification of designation shall be determined by lot by the
D. Requirements for Nominees: No person shall be eligible for designation by the County Assembly
to the Republican primary election ballot unless such person possesses the constitutional and
statutory qualifications for such Elective Office and shall have been continuously affiliated as a
Republican for at least thirty (30) days preceding the County Assembly, as shown by the voter
registration rolls maintained by the County Clerk and Recorder or the Colorado Secretary of State.
Section 5. County Assembly Vacancy Committee
The County Assembly Vacancy Committee shall fill any vacancy that occurs in the Republican
designation or nomination of a candidate for Elective Office, in accordance with Article IV, Section 3
of these Bylaws, the bylaws and rules of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee, and the
applicable laws of the State of Colorado.
These Bylaws may be amended at any Regular or Special Meeting of the County Central Committee,
by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those members present and voting, provided that the
proposed amendment was submitted, in writing, to the officers for review, and mailed or sent by e-
mail no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting to the members of the County Central
Committee, and a copy of the proposed amendment(s) were included in the written notice of the
The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the meetings of
the County Central Committee, the County Assembly, and all regular or special meetings of
the County Central Committee or any of its committees, including any Vacancy Committee,
whenever they are applicable and not inconsistent with these Bylaws, the bylaws and rules
of the Colorado Republican State Central Committee, and applicable law.
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